You’ll get sales tools that get the job done

If you need practical-tactical messaging that your salespeople and marketing team can use to guide prospects from “unaware” to happy long-term customer…. I can help with that. 

What Sets Me Apart

I’m an AWAI certified copywriter… with 30 years of selling experience.  That sets me apart.

When I first started selling, I had a technical degree, a business degree, and a whole lot of enthusiasm and confidence.  But I really didn’t understand how to create persuasive messaging.

Despite that, I was able to slowly grow my customer base.  I hired a sales team to help.  A young sales team.  That looked to me for direction.  Yikes.  Good thing ignorance is bliss, right?

Over the years, I figured out how to create moderately effective messaging to engage customers and drive sales.  Would YOU be happy with “moderately effective” sales tools?  Probably not.  I sure wasn’t.

I had to hone myself into a sales enablement and content strategy copywriter.  Through certifications and practical experience.   Trial and error.  Searching for and copying best practises.

I became a salesperson that actually LIKED to write, and learned to write effectively.  Do you have many of those?  Probably not.  Most salespeople like to communicate verbally. 

What you get when you work with me

Here’s what you’ll get if you decide to work with me:

  • Top-notch copywriting skills
    • I have 12 copywriting certifications from the premier training institute, AWAI  (American Writers and Artists Institute).  Everything from Cold e-mails, to sell sheets, battle cards, lead gen, SEO, white papers, case studies and many other useful forms of copywriting sales tools. I stay on top of the latest training, what works and what doesn’t.
  • A copywriter that completely gets salespeople.
    • If you want effective, persuasive messaging for your salespeople, shouldn’t you have it written by a trained copywriter that completely understands salespeople because he’s lived their life?  I was one of them for decades.  Budgets.  Quotas.  Weekly status meetings. CRM’s.  Pressure. 

Even when I was in sales management, or a business owner, I kept a territory.  Had sales budgets and targets.  I walked the talk.  There’s no better way to keep your finger on the pulse of the company, right? (My wife didn’t always agree, especially while I made sales calls on the way to the hospital for the birth of our first daughter…. But that’s a topic for a future newsletter or blog post…) And by the way, I specialized in getting growth results fast.  National revenue increases of 71% YoY for an infrastructure manufacturer,  doubling the customer base of an electrical recycling processor in 18 months, 50% YoY growth for a plastics distributor.  Strong copywriting was a key success factor for me.  And my skills can be a key success factor for you, too.

  • High quality practical advice. 
    • Everyone says this, right?  But I have something that sets me apart.  You’ll get a copywriter with a strong foundation of business knowledge; not just through a business degree, but by owning, growing, buying, and selling businesses.  You’ll get someone that’s been a GM, National Sales Manager, and a Sales Director.  I know how companies work, inside and outside.  Big and small.  I know how to get things done… you’ll get someone that knows the system you work in.   And knowing your system means better results for you, faster. 
  • No hand-holding required
    • …while explaining your technical products and services.  I have strong technical know-how. An engineering degree is good for this.  Helps me figure out the complicated stuff I have to write about. 
  • Rapid onboarding with your issues and requirements
    • You’ll get someone experienced with parachuting into different industries, and getting results fast. You’ll get a copywriter that slices through to what matters.  To get results.

A wee bit of personal stuff…

On a personal note, I’m married with a  couple of kids.  I love dogs, cooking, and wine.  I’m passionate about volunteering, I like open-water swimming, and going on bike tours. And I try really hard to be a good runner, but have failed miserably for about 40 years.  Still, it’s the hard work and persistence that counts.  Like in most things.

My company name reflects what you can expect to get;  words that work, business to business.  B2B Working Words.  

If you’d like to schedule a 30 minute discovery appointment, click the button below.  You’ll get some actionable items out of the meeting, whether you want to work with me or not.  I believe in giving value first.  And second.  And third.  And if you like what you see (or get)… then perhaps we can work together to produce more comprehensive, focused tools that will get you the results you need.